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"If you're a profession of sheep, then you'll be run by wolves." -- David C. Berliner

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: Everything else is public relations." -- George Orwell

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Arne Duncan and David Coleman: Bearracuda Lovin' as $$ Flows To AP, College Board

Fellow ed reform oppositioner and blogger Peter Greene reports Arne Duncan is funneling money to the College Board, now overseen by David Coleman, the unqualified mastermind behind the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. 

"Tuesday, the Department of Education proudly announced its AP Test grant program. Forty states, DC and the Virgin Islands will be handing over $28.4 million to the College Board so that low-income students can take the AP test," says Greene.

Greene explains the benefits of such a move and why they help Big Education more than they do the average student. 

Also worth noting in ed reform news is reportage from Bobby Jindal, the  Louisiana governor who is flip-flopping his position on government-controlled oversight in his state. 

Th "Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) issued a press release where the Chief Executive Officer of PARCC Laura Slover revealed the true goals of the federally funded PARCC assessment - to control curriculum," says Jindal's website. 

How are these stories connected? Part of the ed reform agenda is TOTAL Control of public education and its alternatives once public schools are a tapped market and reformers have shifted consumer influence over to charters or other alternatives to brick-and-mortar publics. 

Coleman's rise to power is 100% rooted in ed reform, dating back to his days working with Michelle Rhee, who herself was once a Teach For America agent. 

Coleman has exerted unfathomable influence on K12 education and now controls the flow in higher education as well.

Keep thinking CCSS isn't an aligned curriculum if you want, but every bit of evidence suggests otherwise.

Indeed, for perfect alignment, the power players have to form multi-linear daisy chains to do business and keep one another properly lubricated and stimulated. 

It appears Arne's funnel fulfills Coleman just fine.

Please read Greene's reporting and commentary, and the comments from readers are informative as well.

They'll help you see who is getting pleasured and who is just getting screwed. 

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