Ever hear a CCSS proponent say we need to "teach the standards" rather than make what would illustrate an informed understanding about the difference in standards and curriculum? Ever worry that the appendices and exemplar texts suggestions weren't just possibilities?
Now the CCSS trifecta is in place: Control of standards, curricula, and assessments. Virtually every sector of the public education industrial complex is under Gates' control or beholden to Gates funding.
Indeed, one might revisit statements about "teaching the standards" and see that they were not made erroneously by people ignorant of differences but by people who knew exactly what they wanted all along: A tightly controlled national curriculum with its own police force acting as "quality-control" enforcers, strong-arming publishers and driving any curriculum progressive enough to challenge CCSS to extinction via labeling it inferior and unaligned.
And if the efforts of EdReports help drive public schools into extinction as well, no worries for Gates. He's invested in charter schools too.
Not only might we see a national curriculum emerge, we're seeing the equivalent of a dictatorship, one man controlling every aspect of American education and creating a shadow monopoly right under our noses.
Thanks for this update. Just added to: http://www.scoop.it/t/testing-testing collection.