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"If you're a profession of sheep, then you'll be run by wolves." -- David C. Berliner

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: Everything else is public relations." -- George Orwell

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Monday, October 20, 2014

Sarah Blaine Offers MUST-HAVE List of Questions Parents Should Ask Ab Standardized Testing, Technology, Data Mining

A few weeks ago, coinciding with the start of the new academic year, I posted a series of questions teacher education majors could ask their professors -- especially their teacher education profs -- to help them determine how their courses might be influenced by the current education reform movement. See the questions  *here.*

I intended to follow up that post with one featuring a list of questions for parents. That post was to offer questions parents might ask teachers and administrators about Common Core, standardized testing, opting out, and other ed reformy-wormy sorts. I didn't get around to it, but, recently Peter Greene, one of Edustank's favorite education activist bloggers, did:

"Sarah Blaine blogs over at *parentingthecore,* and while she is not a very prolific, her posts are often thoughtful and thought-provoking," says Greene, of *Curmudgucation.* Blaine has posted a series of "skeptical but respectful" questions parents and guardians might want to ask teachers, administrators, board members, etc. regarding time spent on testing and other concerns. 

The list is MUST-READ material for any parent with a child in public schools. See the list *here. *

Seriously. Must-read. 

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